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Light is more important in our lives than we realize. Sunlight, to be more specific, can either make areas in your home or office the most comfortable relaxing place to be or the most annoying place to avoid during day time. Picture your baby’s room, you chose it because it gets the most sunlight in the house and most suitable for afternoon naps in the winter. However, now during summer the same space has turned into a scorching beam of heat that makes baby’s room the best place in the house to fry an egg without electricity … now, picture the same room, but add a drop arm or retractable pram awning that can be adjusted to let in all the sun during the winter but also regulate the amount of sunlight that you need in the summer. No need to move baby to another room or even break a sweat simple have our trained consultant come out and find the best solutions for you, no mess, no fuss. Now baby can have comfortable afternoon naps winter and summer, which leaves mommy with smiles and giggles while she cooks dinner. This is what lifestyle change is all about.

The same goes for your overheated boardroom which has been affectionately nicknamed the ‘oven’, the correct addition of an awning can reduce the annoying sunlight as well as improve the overall comfort of the room and definitely ensure that no employee’s brains get ‘fried’ unnecessarily.

There are many benefits to having awnings installed with the greatest being sunlight control and energy saving. According to a study by the American society of heating and air conditioning engineers, it was found that window awnings can reduce interior heat in homes and businesses during period of direct sunlight by 77%. Heat and moisture are not trapped by awning fabric therefore an awning can reduce air-conditioning costs by as much as 25%.

Commercial and residential awnings can be made up in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on your requirements and decor. A practical and stylish awning can provide protection from harmful UV rays and add value to any home or structure.

Contact us for a complimentary consultation and take the first step towards a new lifestyle today!

Let us modernize your lifestyle and let the good light in. Effective Blinds and Awnings specializes in sun protection for homes and businesses.